XML 中直接定义 python 脚本 和 sql 语句提取数据
<record model="accounting.assert.test" id="account_test_02">
<field name="sequence">2</field>
<field name="name">Test 2: Opening a fiscal year</field>
<field name="desc">Check if the balance of the new opened fiscal year matches with last year's balance</field>
<field name="code_exec"><![CDATA[result = []
cr.execute("select coalesce(sum(debit),0) as debit_new_fyear,coalesce(sum(credit),0) as credit_new_fyear from account_move_line where period_id in (select id from account_period where state='draft' and special order by id desc limit 1);")
rec = cr.dictfetchall()
cr.execute("select coalesce(sum(debit),0) as debit_last_fyear,coalesce(sum(credit),0) as credit_last_fyear from account_move_line where period_id in (select period_id from account_fiscalyear where state='done' order by id desc limit 1);")
rec2= cr.dictfetchall()
if (rec2[0]['credit_last_fyear']-rec[0]['credit_new_fyear']!=0) or (rec2[0]['debit_last_fyear']-rec[0]['debit_new_fyear']!=0) :
result.append(('* New fiscalyear debit and credit are:'))
result.append(('* Last year debit and credit are:'))