one表内add many表数据,many表中的many2one字段,怎么默认选中one表id
Odoo 新手求助
可以在创建记录的时候用类似这样的语法创建many端的数据{many_ids:[(0, 0, {many_field1:value1, many_field2: value2 ...})(0,0, {another line}...]}
:class:`~odoo.fields.One2many` and :class:`~odoo.fields.Many2many` use a special "commands" format to manipulate the set of records stored in/associated with the field. This format is a list of triplets executed sequentially, where each triplet is a command to execute on the set of records. Not all commands apply in all situations. Possible commands are: ``(0, _, values)`` adds a new record created from the provided ``value`` dict. ``(1, id, values)`` updates an existing record of id ``id`` with the values in ``values``. Can not be used in :meth:`~.create`. ``(2, id, _)`` removes the record of id ``id`` from the set, then deletes it (from the database). Can not be used in :meth:`~.create`. ``(3, id, _)`` removes the record of id ``id`` from the set, but does not delete it. Can not be used on :class:`~odoo.fields.One2many`. Can not be used in :meth:`~.create`. ``(4, id, _)`` adds an existing record of id ``id`` to the set. Can not be used on :class:`~odoo.fields.One2many`. ``(5, _, _)`` removes all records from the set, equivalent to using the command ``3`` on every record explicitly. Can not be used on :class:`~odoo.fields.One2many`. Can not be used in :meth:`~.create`. ``(6, _, ids)`` replaces all existing records in the set by the ``ids`` list, equivalent to using the command ``5`` followed by a command ``4`` for each ``id`` in ``ids``. .. note:: Values marked as ``_`` in the list above are ignored and can be anything, generally ``0`` or ``False``.
@digitalsatori 啊,谢谢。我记得这是手动create的时候用到的语法。我直接把one2many字段放到formview里面,直接在列表里add item,然后弹框是many表字段,many表中的many2one字段不会自动赋值前面one表内容(保存之后才会赋值到字段上)。如果用到这个语法创建内容,是需要重写create方法么
<field="many_ids" context="{'default_one_side_id': active_id}"/>
@digitalsatori 非常感谢,这个方法可以,one保存过之后,context可以直接定义默认值。