[2009-12-24 16:57:02,092] INFO:dbpool:Connecting to template1
[2009-12-24 16:57:02,155] INFO:dbpool:Closing all connections to template1
[2009-12-24 16:57:02,171] INFO:dbpool:Connecting to template1
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,530] INFO:dbpool:Closing all connections to template1
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,530] INFO:web-services:CREATE DATABASE: mingyi
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,530] INFO:dbpool:Connecting to mingyi
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,625] WARNING:init:module base: module not found
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,717] ERROR:web-services:[01]:
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,717] ERROR:web-services:[02]: Environment Information :
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,717] ERROR:web-services:[03]: System : Windows-XP-5.1.2600-SP2
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,717] ERROR:web-services:[04]: OS Name : nt
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,717] ERROR:web-services:[05]: Operating System Release : XP
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,717] ERROR:web-services:[06]: Operating System Version : 5.1.2600
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,717] ERROR:web-services:[07]: Operating System Architecture : 32bit
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,717] ERROR:web-services:[08]: Operating System Locale : zh_CN.cp936
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,717] ERROR:web-services:[09]: Python Version : 2.5.2
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,717] ERROR:web-services:[10]: OpenERP-Server Version : 5.0.6
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,733] ERROR:web-services:[11]: Last revision No. & ID :
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,733] ERROR:web-services:[12]: CREATE DATABASE
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,733] ERROR:web-services:[13]: Traceback (most recent call last):
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,733] ERROR:web-services:[14]: File "serviceweb_services.pyo", line 89, in call
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,733] ERROR:web-services:[15]: File "toolsmisc.pyo", line 47, in init_db
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,733] ERROR:web-services:[16]: File "toolsmisc.pyo", line 181, in file_open
[2009-12-24 16:57:10,733] ERROR:web-services:[17]: AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'replace'以上openerp_server.log里面的信息,下面是我新建帐套时候提示的错误,
帐套 “mingyi” 的数据库创建成功,因为在pgAdmin里面可以看到数据库mingyi。
但里面是空的,没有一张表成功创建,数据库没有被初始化。之前是装OpenERP AllInOne的,也出现过这个错误;现在把PostgreSQL、Client、server分开来装,同样出现这样的错误
without_demo = False
netport = 8070
secure = False
demo = {}
syslog = False
cache_timeout = 100000
port = 8069
reportgz = False
secure_pkey_file = server.pkey
netinterface =
log_level = info
admin_passwd = admin
smtp_port = 25
smtp_server = localhost
db_user = postgres
price_accuracy = 2
login_message = False
import_partial =
soap = False
pidfile = False
db_maxconn = 64
smtp_password = False
xmlrpc = True
db_port = 5432
debug_mode = False
netrpc = True
secure_cert_file = server.cert
interface =
logfile = D:OpenERP AllInOne\Server\openerp-server.log
csv_internal_sep = ,
pg_path = D:OpenERP AllInOne\PostgreSQL\bin
translate_modules = ['all']
stop_after_init = True
root_path = D:OpenERP AllInOneServer
smtp_user = False
db_password = openpg
db_name = False
db_host =
assert_exit_level = warn
email_from = False
addons_path = D:OpenERP AllInOneServeraddons请大家帮我看看是什么问题吧。。。谢谢!
[[i] 本帖最后由 vincent 于 2009-12-25 09:51 编辑 [/i]]
[quote][2009-12-24 16:57:10,625] WARNING:init:module base: module not found[/quote]
addons-path不正确. 输入:
openerp-server.exe --addons-path=Your Addons' Path -s
原因是如果用AllInOne安装OpenERP Server的文件目录名默认为"Server",
而如果独立装OpenERP Server,文件目录名默认为"OpenERP Server".
而在openerp-server.conf配置文件中,有关OpenERP Server的路径我全用了OpenERP AllInOneServer;
[[i] 本帖最后由 vincent 于 2009-12-25 09:50 编辑 [/i]]